Iterate through SimpleXMLElement to retrieve postal code value


New Member
I am trying to extract the postal code from the Google Geocode v3 API XML Response. The difficulty I am having is that sometimes the postal_code value is contained in the 6th address_element and sometimes in the 7th. Here is the XML response that I am working with and in this sample response you can see that the postal_code is the 6th element of the address_component array:\[code\]SimpleXMLElement Object([status] => OK[result] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [type] => street_address [formatted_address] => 177 Church St, Toronto, ON M5C 2G5, Canada [address_component] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => 177 [short_name] => 177 [type] => street_number ) [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => Church St [short_name] => Church St [type] => route ) [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => Toronto [short_name] => Toronto [type] => Array ( [0] => locality [1] => political ) ) [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => Toronto [short_name] => Toronto [type] => Array ( [0] => administrative_area_level_2 [1] => political ) ) [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => Ontario [short_name] => ON [type] => Array ( [0] => administrative_area_level_1 [1] => political ) ) [5] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => Canada [short_name] => CA [type] => Array ( [0] => country [1] => political ) ) [6] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [long_name] => M5C 2G5 [short_name] => M5C 2G5 [type] => postal_code ) ) [geometry] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [location] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [lat] => 43.6547363 [lng] => -79.3763746 ) [location_type] => RANGE_INTERPOLATED [viewport] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [southwest] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [lat] => 43.6533849 [lng] => -79.3777345 ) [northeast] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [lat] => 43.6560829 [lng] => -79.3750365 ) ) [bounds] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [southwest] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [lat] => 43.6547315 [lng] => -79.3763964 ) [northeast] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [lat] => 43.6547363 [lng] => -79.3763746 ) ) ) )\[/code\]