It always happens this way,


Staff member
When you need something you can't find it.:( <br />
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Anyone know where I can find out how to include an adobe pdf file into a webpage where visitors can read and print it?<br />
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I am building a new site { <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> }and need to add printable entry forms for visitors there but have never fiddled with pdf files before. <br />
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Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. :D<!--content-->i always thought you could just make a link to the pdf file, ofcourse the user must have adobe's acrobat reader to be able to open it, otherwise it would be Download <!--more-->ed, make sure you include a link to Download <!--more--> it just incase. Browsers behave differently with pdf files, but generally ie has no problem with in-place activation programs.<br />
Or you could use a pdf-html converter, never used these b4 so i couldnt say more about them sorry, but as far as i know you will get an htlm file that pretty much looks like it's pdf.<!--content-->I can peek at some code or find a tutorial? :D<!--content-->hehe no probs :D <br />
go here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) the links in the main window go to pdf files<br />
:)<!--content-->Goverment sites! :D<br />
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I should have known to look at one of them for pdf. :doh: <br />
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Any tutorials out there that you know of? <br />
I did several searches and was not able to find anything related.<!--content-->lol, yeah i had a quick look for some tuts but couldnt find any, the only thing that comes to mind is posting on the acrobat (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) forum, if they can't tell you where to find some then no1 will :)<!--content-->I was there the other day and started to post a question, but descided that I better learn a little bit more about what the heck my question was about first. :D<!--content-->lol didnt want to sound to silly with your question then!!<br />
know the feeling! :D<!--content-->KW, <br />
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I've always just linked the pdf files for automatic Download <!--more-->ing. With a brief description of the file before the link, of course. I think most PDF files that I've seen do that. I can't say as I've ever seen a pdf file automatically show up on my screen, to be honest. Not without my having Download <!--more-->ed it first.<br />
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Some people include html pages that have the same content as the pdf files, if there's more than one page of information. I have a couple like that, but the html pages don't print out the same, so I have a link to a pdf file for "proper printing".<br />
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Peg<!--content-->I have a link to a pdf file for "proper printing".<br />
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That is what I am looking for, how to link a pdf file to print from a webpage. :)<!--content-->The users browser must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed in order to be able to do anything at all with PDF files. The default action for an unknown file type is to simply Download <!--more--> it and store it on the local hard drive. If the file type is known then you get the option to open it or to save it instead (unless you have previously selected one of those actions and you have also ticked the box that says to always follow that selected action as the default action in the future).<!--content-->Okay, KW, I think I understand now. <br />
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I don't think you can get it to print automatically, because, as Giz points out, the plug-in has to be on the receiving computer for the PDF to be read.<br />
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Basically, all mine is is a regular <a href> link to the PDF in one of the folders on my site. The only way it can be printed out is to have it opened in Acrobat Reader.<br />
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But there might be another way to get around that. I think.<br />
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Some of my pages were created with PageMaker, a desktop publishing programme. The newer versions will translate whatever page you create into an html page that uses tables to create the proper spacing. <br />
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I think Adobe does have PageMaker trial version. You might consider Download <!--more-->ing that and using it to make up a template "8-1/2 x 11 page" and use that page for your forms.<br />
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I know the type of page you're thinking of, KW. <sigh> I just don't know how to create that exact same thing. <br />
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Peg<!--content-->I have done a lot of searching for tutorials on how to code it in html. The few snippets of code I have peeked at looks pretty much what you described Peg.<br />
Just a hyper link where the visitor clicks on it and opens their reader or prompts them to go to Adobe and get a reader so they can then print it like what Giz was explaining.<br />
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I guess that something like this would work---><br />
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< a href="entry_form.pdf" > Entry Form Here < /a> <br />
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without the extra spaces.<br />
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Does that look about right?<!--content-->yeah that looks about right KW!<br />
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came across this online pdf - html file converter<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _form.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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some software:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
(this one is a plugin for acrobat)<br />
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(just thought i'd share these, seemed quite ineteresting):D<!--content-->yup that is all you can do KW, just supply a link for them.<br />
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<a href="entry_form.pdf">Entry Form Here< /a><br />
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that will work just fine. then have a link to adobe to get the reader if they don't have it, just like you see on the gov't sites, the little image about adobe reader.<!--content-->I always wondered when doing a Google search and a .pdf document came up and there is two options available.<br />
Open in Reader -- or View as HTML.<br />
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Which came first? The chicken/.pdf doc or the egg/html version? :rolleyes.<br />
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The problem has been in finding an affordable .pdf writer.<br />
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Adobe gives a free trial version which is only good for converting five documents. I was ready to hang a sign around my neck and stand on a corner -- "Will work for a .pdf writer" :rolleyes: <br />
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Until I found there is .pdf writer already bundled within Office 2000.=:O<!--content-->*lol* Oh, dear, KW. I seem to remember seeing something about that, too. I just never thought to mention it because I don't use the Word version of the PDF maker. <br />
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As for the egg and chicken question, I think it all depends on whether you're an egg or a chicken. Some people do the html page first, some do the pdf version first. <br />
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But I'm glad you've managed to work things out.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Another way to create PDF documents using just about any word processing software is to install a special piece of software that converts the documents. One in particuler that I have recently seen advertised simply installs as a printer driver but rather then print anything it just takes the output of your word processor and writes it out to your hard drive as a PDF file instead.<!--content-->