New Member
You may be thinking, "Hey kid, thats not an issue it's supposed to do that." And i am very well aware of that. However what i am trying to achieve is when the text in the box overflows the initial 50px i have set, i want the text to disappear, i have tried many things, including \[code\]overflow:hidden\[/code\] and i just cant seem to figure it out. I know "Tables are for data not appearance", but in this case that is wrong... Also, i am atempting to avoid line breaks at all possibilities. HTML:\[code\]<td>;$picksql="SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_name."WHERE PortNumber='".$i."'"; $result=$conn->query($picksql); while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $row['Entry1'].'<br>'.$row['Entry2'].'<br>'.$row['Entry3']; $one=$row['Entry1']; $two=$row['Entry2']; $three=$row['Entry3']; }</td>\[/code\]css:\[code\]td{width:50px;height:70px;overflow: hidden;}\[/code\]disregarding the php, \[code\]$row['Entry1']\[/code\] is what is echoed, and i cant seem to achieve my goal with it. Any Ideas?