New Member
I have created a working GUI program (using tkinter), but when I try to compile it using pyinstaller (py2exe only works for python 2.6 and I used 2.7 for the program), it doesn't work. I have 2 files: program.py, and data.xml. The program uses the xml document to retrieve information and display it to the window. I have looked all over, but no one seems to have had a similar problem, and the pyinstaller documentation is useless. the command I used was\[code\]python pyinstaller.py -w -mdata.xml -nProgram program.py\[/code\]It appears to make the spec file fine, but generates an error with a large traceback upon build:\[code\]pyinstaller.utils.winmanifest.invalidManifestError: Invalid root element <items> - has to be one of <assembly>, <assemblyBinding>, <configuration>, <dependentAssembly>\[/code\]and quits the build process. This is the first time I have tried to build an executable for a project, so I'm kind of shooting in the dark here. Did I forget to do something, or did I just find a bug in pyinstaller's program?