Issues with MySQL Queries on certain hosting packages


New Member
I've been building a website on a subdomain of my companies hosting package. It's got PHP MySQL operations happening in the background, i.e. INSERTs, SELECTs etc. They are the most basic of basic SQL statements and they all work fine.However, I recently copied EVERYTHING from my subdomain and uploaded it all to my clients own hosting package run by 1&1 and now, my INSERT statements do not work. SELECTs, DELETE statements all work fine, but not my INSERTS.I think it's one of two problems, either it's a permissions error on the new database or I have some glaring error in my code that my last database didn't seem to mind so much.Here's my insert code:\[code\]<?phpinclude 'data.php';$b_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['businessName']);$b_town = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['placeName']);$b_code = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['postCode']);$latlng = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['latLong']);mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Wrong Information");mysql_select_db($db) or die("Wrong Database");$newloc = preg_replace("/^.*\(([^)]*)\).*$/", '$1', $latlng);$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO reseller_addresses VALUES (NULL , '$b_name', '$b_code', '$b_town', '$newloc');") or die ("Broken Query");echo "<script>setTimeout(\"self.parent.location.reload(true);\", 1000);</script><font color=\"#fbf7d7\">$businessName Successfully Added to the Database</font>";mysql_close();?>\[/code\]It's concerning adding a geographic location into a database from a google map/form setup. Unfortunately I can't authorise a live preview because the administration area where the trouble is happening is secure.Thanks in advance for any help.EDIT: I've passed the same files back and forth my web server and my clients and they all work on mine, but not my clients.EDIT: I've explained the actual problem badly here, sorry. Basically, a new record is inserted into the database, but it's empty.A print_r($_POST); reveals:\[code\]Array ( [businessName] => test [placeName] => test [postCode] => test [latLong] => (51.152495, -1.440411) [Submit] => Submit Place )\[/code\]Which IS everything I've submitted