I am using VBA to parse some XML files and use their informations to create charts in Excel.But I have an issue when the XML file has an URL that begins with HTTPS. The error that I recieve is:"Run-time error '91'Object variable or With block variable not set"Here is the code that I use to be sure of the issue with HTTPS and not with HTTP:\[code\]Function GetStr() As String Set XmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0") XmlDoc.async = False XmlDoc.Load ("https://........") GetStr = XmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/investigations/header/c0/name").TextEnd FunctionSub Test()Debug.Print GetStrEnd Sub\[/code\]This is the line with "GetStr = XmlDoc1..." that causes the issue (for Excel).When I replace the URL by an HTTP URL, it works well...Anyone knows what is wrong or has an idea, even he is not sure?Thanks in advance!Valentin