isapi rewrite using mapfile not working


New Member
I am playing around with isapi rewrite lite with only limited success. I have gotten it work, but I can't seem to be able to implement a parameter substitution using a map file. I'm working in classic ASP on Windows 2003.In my httpd.conf file this works:\[code\]RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cy=(\d+)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^imagine/ketubot/$ imagine/ketubot/%1? [NC,R=301,L] RewriteRule ^imagine/ketubot/(\d+)$ imagine/ketubot/?cy=$1 [NC,L]\[/code\]and I get a url like /imagine/ketubot/4in place of/imagine/ketubot/?cy=4This doesn't work:\[code\]RewriteMap mapfile txt:mapcountries.txt [NC]RewriteRule ^imagine/ketubot/(\d+)$ imagine/ketubot/?cy=${mapfile:$1}\[/code\]and I continue to get/imagine/ketubot/?cy=4instead of/imagine/ketubot/AlgeriaI would appreciate any help with this.Thanks