I am still working on the .Net Beta 2 framework for a variety of reasons... <BR><BR>I am trying to update a Datalist using the example in ASP.NET Tips Tutorials and Code (p.271) and am having a problem. Namely the FindControl method does nto seem to work properly. It always returns the original value to me, not the updated value. I did some newsgroup searching and found other people having the same problem, but no one having a solution.<BR><BR>Am I doing something wrong? I am including the update subroutine here. All of my textboxes and things are named properly and it is returning everything and executing.. it's just not returning the proper value for my textboxes. Any help would be much appreciated.<BR><BR><BR><BR> public Sub dataList1_update( s As Object, e As DataListCommandEventArgs )<BR><BR> dim strTitle, strDescription as string<BR> strTitle = CType(e.Item.FindControl("tbTitle"), Textbox).Text<BR> strDescription = CType(e.Item.FindControl("tbDescription"), Textbox).Text<BR> dim intPicID as integer = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblPicID"), label).text<BR> dim sbSQLCommand as new StringBuilder()<BR> sbSQLCommand.Append("Update tblPhotos ")<BR> sbSQLCommand.Append("SET title = '" & strTitle & "', comments = '" & strDescription & "' ")<BR> sbSQLCommand.Append("WHERE picID = " & intPicID)<BR> dim strMyTest as string = sbSQLCommand.ToString()<BR> objCMD = new sqlCommand (sbSQLCommand.ToString(),objConn)<BR> objConn.Open()<BR> objCMD.ExecuteNonQuery()<BR> objConn.Close()<BR><BR> dataList1.editItemIndex = -1<BR> Bind()<BR> End Sub<BR>I really need to get this update working. Is there some kind of bug? does the code from the book work? I can give you some examples of the exact same problem from usenet if it will help.