Is this some type of asp/vbs SQL encoding?


New Member
I've got a VB script pulling the attribute below and passing it to a server-side script (I don't have access to). The server-side script is throwing a SQL error. My first thought is that the "rootsql" value below is garbled BS and so, of course, the SQL throws an error. I don't know ASP, though, so I'm wondering if this is some type of serialization that would actually make sense when passed to the server.\[code\]rootsql="0GyQtVm*9GtU6PWLD1*qWB@q|k(z_fSLBg[u!p'5qH5a4BB9jnf4{i{1@[email protected]+m@iAm|g>pV:;zaBnZuB@q|k(z c@q@v{pqK6L5WyXqC1PqG-U0V6LlUrXvE7LKBsd6Om8Brft_g@mBe]-qx]+Fyf8_u{n*g'q c@6^g)6qx'L.JrdvBBpXf;2;t y{p u]BRLFjTp{r.4Do;zDn.5Dk'L;p'LFfT2@({pV7P.TBnZuB@_Bg[u!p{pq.m8+>@q|k(zKk'FqQ5PvTmN>Bm4{i{1@f!LqE2X3C7QqN.6_pGExg)qBc+EtUfM0B"\[/code\]I don't need to know what the SQL equates to if this is encoded, I'm just wondering if that's the case.