well my forum got dissabled
and this is the massage im gettin
"Daily or Monthly Traffic Limit Reached
The site you have attempted to access is not available at this time.
This member's Web site has exceeded its maximum traffic limit for this month.
The traffic limit will be reset on a monthly basis.
This account is still active. High traffic sites with numerous file downloads a day could run the risk of exceeding this limit."
so i cant access any web pages like /admincp
mmm is their any way i can get my mods, style/theme, members, posts, e.t.c back from ftp cilent?
ALSO i can access the website's Control Panel
and this is the massage im gettin
"Daily or Monthly Traffic Limit Reached
The site you have attempted to access is not available at this time.
This member's Web site has exceeded its maximum traffic limit for this month.
The traffic limit will be reset on a monthly basis.
This account is still active. High traffic sites with numerous file downloads a day could run the risk of exceeding this limit."
so i cant access any web pages like /admincp
mmm is their any way i can get my mods, style/theme, members, posts, e.t.c back from ftp cilent?
ALSO i can access the website's Control Panel