is this only for adsense premium accounts?


New Member ... ign%20tipsWhen i clicked on a option in the side navagation bar i was directed to this page, as you can see there are all adsense links. The option i clicked on was not a adsense link box type ad but was part of the side navagation bar.So is this kind of ad display only possible for the websites with over more then 20 million page views per day?Because i haven't seen this option in the adsense formats examples.I would assume, yes, it's probably for those AdSense accounts that have the 20mil page views a month or more. too badI think no, this looks like new format of google ads. What's original link to this ads?'m not sure if it was this page but a lot of pages contain these ads, by looking at the left navigation panel, you would see a small section that look like navigational options of a menu but when you look at this closely you see the text "what are offers?", when clicking for example on webmaster tools you come to a page with ads.Very interesting format, close to ideal in my oppinion i think made themselves as thouse links are just link to search for keywords around portal - when you click on this page - it is simple a search results page with google adsense advertising. So i guess this has nothing to do with premium account - this is simply the way guys made it, which i agree is really good.Hmm, in a way it's just like the text links block ad format that google provides only without the "ads by google" part attached to it.Because this would also lead to a similar page when clicked on.But if this is not a part of the premium account how did they get the matching ad results on the landing page?If i would put for example 4 options: cars, rims, car radio and body kit on my site how would this give me the oppurtunity for getting ad placement on a page with no other content other then adsense ads?The whole adsense program is build on placing ads near to content with content relevant ads and all these ads display "ads by google". Including the text link block format, these ads al display ads by google on them, so there is a difference in here.What is using is more then just that, they obviously can place links on their page to other pages with solely adsense ads and by just clicking a link you end up on the ad PAGE, this i have never seen before!I have seen this before by using the search box and getting search results with adsense ads on top of them.But this is different! now you don't need to type a search query for ending up on a page with ads, you already end up on a page with ads by just clicking on a link without any indication of the term "ads by google" only indication that can be noticed is "(*****)offers" and "what are offers?".This i believe is not something you can do yourself but is a feature of the premium account, otherwise i would really want to find out how to implement such a format for my site.As a experiment i had java and javascript turned off to see what happens visiting this page and what do you know, the section "offers" doesn't show anymore .Does someone know how this is done?OT, but does anyone else see the "Your Resume Really Sucks" ad?That is awesome advertising. I bet they get a ton of CT's on that ad.No, i havent. Do you have a link to it so we can take a look at it I think google is giving a special adsense format for website's with over 70k views a dayThat specific way of displaying adsense ads on the ROCKS this would definitely result in getting more income.