Is this no longer allowed ...( &_ )??


New Member
I used to do a lot of string building like this in ASP:<BR>Using the "&_" and then continue on a new line..<BR><BR><BR>==========================================<BR>MySQL = "Insert into 00_Users (" &_ <BR>" usrName " &_ <BR>", usrSurname " &_ <BR>", usrOccupation " &_ <BR>")" &_ <BR>" Values " &_<BR>"(" &_ <BR>"'" & usrName & "'" &_ <BR>",'" & usrSurname & "'" &_ <BR>",'" & usrOccupation & "'" &_ <BR>")"<BR> ================================<BR> Now I get this error:<BR><BR>Compiler Error Message: BC30203: Expected an identifier.<BR><BR>Source Error:<BR><BR> <BR><BR>Line 4: <BR>Line 5: <BR>Line 6: MyString = "Insert into 00_Users (" &_ <<---<BR>Line 7: " usrName " &_ <BR>Line 8: ", usrSurname " &_ <BR> =====================================<BR><BR>How do I get around this now?<BR><BR>Thanks.<BR><BR>Dwane Lumley<BR>Yes ... it is allowed ... instead of &_<BR><BR>make it:<BR><BR>& _<BR><BR>(with a space between them)<BR><BR>Bill Evjen<BR>St. Louis .NET User Group<BR>