is this going to get complicated?


I have a database with the fields REGION, LOCATION,SECTION, NAME, CONTACT. I am trying to set up a search facility whereby people can do a search on REGION, LOCATION or NAME

This is, very simply, what I have started with.
Dim objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"_
& "Data Source="
objConn.ConnectionString=objConn.ConnectionString & Server.MapPath(".") & "\contactsdb.mdb"


Dim objRS
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open "contactsdb",objConn, , , adCmdTable
Do While NOt objRS.EOF

Response.Write objRS("Name") & " "
Response.Write objRS ("Locations") & " "
Response.Write objRS ("Number") & "<br>"
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing

I am just not sure how to get started with setting up the ASP page to accomodate the various search options?well that's a really wide open question becuase of the myriad of answers to it.

Very simply, you could have a form with a field for every column of your table and then have your ASP build a SQL Query to hit the database. Something like.....

sub sForm
<form action="search.asp?mode=go" method="post">
Search Contacts : <input type="text" name="fldContacts">
<input type="submit">
end sub

sub search
dim strQuery
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 "
if request("fldContacts") <> "" then
strQUery = strQuery & " WHERE CONTACT = '" & replace(request("fldContacts"),"'","''") & "'"
end if

dim recSet,arrRS
set recSet = db.execute(strQuery)

if not(recSet.eof) then
arrRS = recSet.getRows
for i=0 to ubound(arrRS,2)
for j=0 to ubound(arrRS,1)
response.write("Search returned no results")
end if
%><a href="search.asp">Return to Search Form</a>
end sub

select case request("mode")
case ""
case "go"
end select

As you add more fields, the form will obviously grow and so will your code to search it, but that's a fairly basic search concept.Thanks Putts, this will help me get started. Just a question, what does this mean: ubound(arrRS) ?

ThanksIt returns the upper boundary (last index) of an array. So if you have an array five five elements, it will return the number 4 (since array indices start at 0, it would have 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in it).

RysOriginally posted by putts

sub sForm
<form action="search.asp?mode=go" method="post">
Search Contacts : <input type="text" name="fldContacts">
<input type="submit">
end sub

sub search
dim strQuery
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 "
if request("fldContacts") <> "" then
strQUery = strQuery & " WHERE CONTACT = '" & replace(request("fldContacts"),"'","''") & "'"
end if

dim recSet,arrRS
set recSet = db.execute(strQuery)

if not(recSet.eof) then
arrRS = recSet.getRows
for i=0 to ubound(arrRS,2)
for j=0 to ubound(arrRS,1)
response.write("Search returned no results")
end if
%><a href="search.asp">Return to Search Form</a>
end sub

select case request("mode")
case ""
case "go"
end select


While I know I run the risk of sounding completely stupid, I have to ask: what doe sit all mean???? Can you at the very least explain this part

if not(recSet.eof) then
arrRS = recSet.getRows
for i=0 to ubound(arrRS,2)
for j=0 to ubound(arrRS,1)

Thanks putts.........or anyone else with superior intelligence :rolleyes:sorry for the delay....

getRows is a method I love to use in ClASP that is a method of a recordset that returns an array that is basically the same as the recordset.

Obviously, this array has to be multi-dimensional to contain all the data that could be in any given recordset.

So, now that's what arrRS.

So, if my recordset consisted of 3 records and 2 columns that will return an array 2 X 3 so I could use a for loop to say...

for i=0 to 2 'representing the # of rows
for j=0 to 1 'representing the # of cols

....but I love to make my code as dynamic as possible so I just employ the ubound() functions

ubound(arrRs,2) = number of records in the array
ubound(arrRs,1) = number of columns in the array

Does that clear up that part?Thanks Putts, it certainly does. I obviously have a long way to go.........:rolleyes: