Is this a normal xml format?


New Member
\[code\]<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> <response uri=\"/crm/private/xml/Potentials/updateRecords\"> <result> <message>***TEST***Record(s) updated successfully</message> <recorddetail> <FL val=\"Id\">414100000000000000</FL> <FL val=\"Created Time\">2012-03-30 16:54:03</FL> <FL val=\"Modified Time\">2012-04-11 16:53:48</FL> <FL val=\"Created By\"><![CDATA[Bayer]]></FL> <FL val=\"Modified By\"><![CDATA[Bayer]]></FL> </recorddetail> </result></response>\[/code\]This is a generic response from Zoho stating that my record was updated successfully (minus the test part and the bogus ZohoID.) I have been trying to get my C# program to be able to make that style of xml document because when i post things to zoho it actually is very similar in style. But i just can't figure out how to make it work This is an example from their website.\[code\]<Leads><row no="1"><FL val="Lead Source">Web Download</FL><FL val="First Name">contacto 1</FL><FL val="Last Name">apellido</FL><FL val="Email">[email protected]</FL><FL val="Title">Manager</FL><FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL><FL val="Home Phone">0987654321</FL><FL val="Other Phone">1212211212</FL><FL val="Fax">02927272626</FL><FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL></row></Leads>\[/code\]I am trying to replicate it using a unit test in C#, but it gives me errors of all kinds.. i've lost all the different ways that i've tried, but i'll post what i currently have and the error it is throwing.\[code\] [Test] public void TestMethod() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration declare = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null); doc.AppendChild(declare); doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Potentials")); doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateAttribute("FL", "AccountName", "Robert Snyder")); doc.Save("C:\\test.xml"); //doc.WriteContentTo(XmlWriter.Create("C:\\test.xml")); }\[/code\]Exception\[quote\] System.InvalidOperationException : The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type. - c:\Subversion\ZohoApi\ZohoApi\Tests\XmlDataTests.cs:22\[/quote\]Please help me understand this a little better. I have been trying for a long time, and just can't figure it out.