Is this a google counter?


New Member the first result you will get 4 visits - xx:xx am and will increase each time you search. That shouldnt be from the page itself or is it?huh?Oh I found the clue. Axe you have to sign in with any Google account and then search. Sorry I couldnt guess that.I dont know what you are talking about either.edit:ahh... what does it count?edit2:Signed in, still can't see what you are talking about..Sign in with Gmail or any other account. Now before you log off go to that site (with the same browser of course) and see beside any result. Its a grey text showing number of visits to that site and time of visiting. Well that follows that its with Google personalised indexing. I got my answer. Thanks.\\Edit: It wont show anything if you haven't visited the site. I visited the first result so is for me.Yes hes right. I am getting that after signing in with gmail and searching for the keyword "Google". Now click the first result Google and search again "Google". Each time you search the same keyword, the link visited from the previous SERP will be counted at the next results page. Its just due to personalisation and nothing much to worry about I think.