is this a good approach to create a logging system

I want to create a log system not to log exceptions , but user activities and what they do upon data . for example when a user deletes a record , I want to log username , records id , date and ... . first I decided to create a log class and use its methods inside all other classes methods . but after some reading blogs and searching SO , I figured out that this approach is against SRP principle of OOP . now I'm thinking of another solution . I still have my log class . but instead of calling its methods all over the codes , I should use events . I'm thinking of adding a listener class that subscribes to events that are invoked by other classes . suppose in a page I have a method that deletes an order :\[code\]protected void DeleteOrder(Order order){ Orders.Delete(order); DeletedEvent(this,order); }\[/code\]then the subscriber uses the sent data to create the log . this class checks the object type and according to the type calls the right private method to create log using objects properties .is this applicable in general ? if so , is this a good approach ? thanks in advance