Is there is any tool to validate the aspx page structures nesting & styling?


New Member
I am working on a web based application.I have a .aspx page which includes html, css, javascript & controls. The following are cases of nesting elements/ tags:[*]table [*]asp:Panel[*]asp:UpdatePanel[*]divI have used various combinations of nesting as follows:\[code\] 1. <asp:Panel> <asp:UpdatePanel> <table></table> </asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel> 2. <table> <asp:Panel> <asp:UpdatePanel> <table></table> <asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel> </table> 3. <asp:Panel> <asp:UpdatePanel> <table></table> <asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel> 4. <table> <asp:UpdatePanel> <table> <asp:Panel></asp:Panel> </table> </asp:UpdatePanel> </table> 5. <table> <asp:UpdatePanel> <table> <div></div> </table> </asp:UpdatePanel> </table>\[/code\]But when I use such structures, the css style is not applied when page postback occurs.Question:Is there any smart way to identify a proper structure. Any tool? Or any kind of unsupportable format,that I have used?Please help me on this Page structuring issue.Cause every time manually doing this stuff,is quite annoying.Edit: Or any information about the page structures, its nesting & behavior.