is there any such thing as an Invisible but free counter??!


Hello frenz!<br />
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I am nearly at publishing point with a site that<br />
I've been working on, but i want to sort out this counter business . . .<br />
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Is there a free counter that's invisible too - highly unlikely I know . . .<br />
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Or would I even need one, i.e. wouldn't my host provide some of the visitor stats?<br />
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Your considered opinions would enlighten me!<br />
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Thanxs :)<br />
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d<!--content-->That depends. If you are paying for your host, some will give you stats in their package deals.<br />
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You can also get free stats from te following sites:<br />
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>> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> has no ads, but I prefer<!--content-->All u need to do is get any counter and leave the <img> tags out on ur webpage.<br />
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when u want to view how many people have view ur site just go directally to ur counter <br />
i..e<br /><br />
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thanks<br />
jon<br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Thanks friends I will check out those linx once i sort on=ut this current damn problem!!<br />
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