Is there any s/w, which removes NonHTML tags?


Hi All,<br />
Is there any s/w or program or Validator, which removes Non HTML tags introduced by some wizards like MSWord, FrontPage...etc....??<br />
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regards<br />
Saravanan A<!--content-->HTML-Kit (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), a free editor, will do this and more.<!--content-->What non html tags are you referring to<!--content-->Perhaps HTML Tidy (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) will help, as well...<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
Perhaps HTML Tidy (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) will help, as well... HTML Kit accomplishes this bit of magic by running Tidy.<!--content-->Ah, ok. I wasn't aware of that. Guess there's no need to Download <!--more--> HTML Tidy individually, then...<!--content-->What non html tags are we speaking of I ask again. I am just wondering what microsoft would be putting in there with their wizards.<!--content-->MS Word puts all kinds of extra comments and tags into an html document it creates and FrontPage is alsmost as bad. BBEdit has a nice Word Cleaner as well. I think even Dreamweaver has a version of "clean up MS Word code"....<br />
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MNS<!--content-->Thx to all for your replies. <br />
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It would be better if i have it as a library. ofcourse, tidy provides a library. But its not so stable that, i am not able to integrate it with Zope in Unix platform....<br />
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any suggestions welcome...<br />
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regards<br />
saravanan A<!--content-->Here is a suggestion dont use frontpage or word, they are notoriously bad editors. You can get a better one as freeware with very little searching. I suggest notepag but if you are into the WYSIYG stuff I suggest dream weaver. One more suggestion would be the coffeecup html editor.<!--content-->I would not recommend notepad. Do youself a favor and at least get something that numbers the lines. HTML-Kit as Fang recommeded is a much better choice than notepad...<!--content-->I only suggested notepad because everyone on a windows based machine has it :)<!--content-->Have any of you heard of NoteTab? I use NoteTab Lite alot, its a great HTML+ editor. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Download">www.Download</a><!-- w --> <!--more-->.com and search for Notetab to check it out.<!--content-->I really only use notpad and dreamweaver. Dreamweaver for (because it has good intellitext) and notepage for everthing else because it does not have any load time (dreamweaver wil put a proc under full load for a few seconds until it is loaded)<!--content-->I used to use NotePad a great deal, for HTML and Perl. But then my Goode Wyffe and I were working on a web site together and she wanted color coded text so that she could remember to close her tags. We started using HTML Kit and after a while I was hooked - especially when I discovered its spell checking. And now that I've made friends with Perl-IDE I almost never open up NotePad. Such is the way with old friends some times.<!--content-->