We are having trouble getting a 'licensed' Registrar to respond to reports of abuse.
This does not relate to our Registrar ...but the Registrar of a domain/website which has hijacked one of our domains. So its not a company vs client service issue.
On July 2, 2006 we notified the Registrar Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl of the illegal activities of a domain and website for which Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl are the REGISTRARS.
We notified Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl that a criminal spammer had stolen and hijacked the identity of one of the domains/websites owned by us. That he was forging or "Spoofing" our domain name in his spam headers. That this criminal forger and spammer had probably sent out thousands (probably millions) of unsolicited emails with the forged headers of our domain name in an attempt to bypass various spam filters.
We ALSO provided Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl full and complete information regarding the illegal hijacking and forging of one of our domain names, and spamming by the domain 'paymentwound(dot)info' In addition, we provided Gandi.net information pointing to the fact that it appeared as if the domain may paossibly be registered with FALSE ownership and contact information!
This information included the original 'email header' and 'email body' data, clearly showing the forged header, and the recipient website 'paymentwound(dot)info'
Gandi.net replied to us, and said that although they had received the information that we had provided, that they would not act on it unless we completed their 'online contact form.'! (This despite the fact that we had originally filed the information through their 'online contact form') The email was signed by "Ryan."
On July 4, 2006 we once again provided all the information to Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl, and requested they take immediate steps to end the criminal forging of our domain header.
The galling, and most distasteful part of all this to us, is that this website appears to be selling drugs and pharmaceutical products of extremely questionable origin.
Our website is legitimate business, providing wholesale supplies of fanny pack holsters, waist pack holsters, fanny pistol packs, and concealed weapon fanny packs www . holsterheaven . com Frankly, we are disgusted with the manner that this Registrar has handled this matter as it reflects on our business name.
We reminded Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl that it is illegal and fraudulent under both Federal Law as well as ICANN regulations to provide false, incorrect, or misleading ownership and contact information when registering a domain, or contracting for hosting services!
Believe it or not!
....and quite honestly, we were in disbelief
.......but once again, Gandi.net replied to us, by repeating the same disingenuous nonsense about they how they would not act on the information unless we completed their 'online contact form.'!
The big problem was that their "so-called" 'online report form' did not work! And they knew it!!
After filling-in the information, their "Validate" button on their complaint form was broken and did NOT work ...It simply generated an error message:
"" Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host 'sgbd.gandi.net' (1) in /usr/local/www/rip/ripsubmit on line 104
Could not connect ""
We were then forced to email Gandi.net directly, and for the 'third time," we once again provided all the information to Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl, and requested they take immediate steps to end the criminal forging of our domain header.
As of this post July 13, 2006, with Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl's assistance and protection the offending domain and website is still in business!
We now wish to file a complaint with ICANN ....and would appreciate anyone pointing us in the right direction.
We are having trouble getting a 'licensed' Registrar to respond to reports of abuse.
This does not relate to our Registrar ...but the Registrar of a domain/website which has hijacked one of our domains. So its not a company vs client service issue.
On July 2, 2006 we notified the Registrar Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl of the illegal activities of a domain and website for which Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl are the REGISTRARS.
We notified Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl that a criminal spammer had stolen and hijacked the identity of one of the domains/websites owned by us. That he was forging or "Spoofing" our domain name in his spam headers. That this criminal forger and spammer had probably sent out thousands (probably millions) of unsolicited emails with the forged headers of our domain name in an attempt to bypass various spam filters.
We ALSO provided Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl full and complete information regarding the illegal hijacking and forging of one of our domain names, and spamming by the domain 'paymentwound(dot)info' In addition, we provided Gandi.net information pointing to the fact that it appeared as if the domain may paossibly be registered with FALSE ownership and contact information!
This information included the original 'email header' and 'email body' data, clearly showing the forged header, and the recipient website 'paymentwound(dot)info'
Gandi.net replied to us, and said that although they had received the information that we had provided, that they would not act on it unless we completed their 'online contact form.'! (This despite the fact that we had originally filed the information through their 'online contact form') The email was signed by "Ryan."
On July 4, 2006 we once again provided all the information to Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl, and requested they take immediate steps to end the criminal forging of our domain header.
The galling, and most distasteful part of all this to us, is that this website appears to be selling drugs and pharmaceutical products of extremely questionable origin.
Our website is legitimate business, providing wholesale supplies of fanny pack holsters, waist pack holsters, fanny pistol packs, and concealed weapon fanny packs www . holsterheaven . com Frankly, we are disgusted with the manner that this Registrar has handled this matter as it reflects on our business name.
We reminded Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl that it is illegal and fraudulent under both Federal Law as well as ICANN regulations to provide false, incorrect, or misleading ownership and contact information when registering a domain, or contracting for hosting services!
Believe it or not!
....and quite honestly, we were in disbelief
.......but once again, Gandi.net replied to us, by repeating the same disingenuous nonsense about they how they would not act on the information unless we completed their 'online contact form.'!
The big problem was that their "so-called" 'online report form' did not work! And they knew it!!
After filling-in the information, their "Validate" button on their complaint form was broken and did NOT work ...It simply generated an error message:
"" Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host 'sgbd.gandi.net' (1) in /usr/local/www/rip/ripsubmit on line 104
Could not connect ""
We were then forced to email Gandi.net directly, and for the 'third time," we once again provided all the information to Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl, and requested they take immediate steps to end the criminal forging of our domain header.
As of this post July 13, 2006, with Gandi.net and Gandi Sarl's assistance and protection the offending domain and website is still in business!
We now wish to file a complaint with ICANN ....and would appreciate anyone pointing us in the right direction.