Is there a way...


Is there a way to get the same functionality of a FormView inside a datalist in VS2005 beta 2?

I am attempting to create something like a message board where I can view records from a database and add comments concerning the record to a comments table using the record id as a filter.

The problem I am running up against is that I can view only one record at a time (from the comments table) with FormView. Eventhough I have paging enabled with a limit of 10 records per page, I still only see one record at a time.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.


MustangSo over the wekend I had some time to work this out. Almost. :o

I was able to nest the formview control inside a datalist in order to both view the records (all of them) and click new in order to add a new comment to the comments table.

The only outstanding problem I am having trouble trying to figure out how to retain the ItemID of the record in view in order to have it submit to the comments table with the comments. In this way the comments can be queried against the id of the record contained in the customer table.

Can someone help me out with this part???

Thank you very much.

