is there a way to know how many


browser areopen at the moment (the check will be from a certain broswer) ,and if yes then in which url the certain window is in!<br />
the idea is : i don't want 2 windows to e open on a certain page!<br />
thnaks in advance<br />
Peleg<!--content-->to acces other browsers all opened with the same domain!<br />
that's exclly what i want!<br />
how do i do that?<br />
thnaks alot<br />
peleg<!--content-->still how can i check that there are (or not) any other browser's open with the specific page that i am at the moment (assuming the all have a uniqe name)?!<!--content-->I hope you understand it from the posts above that you can only( if at all) find this out if the browser windows are opened from within the main or parent window.<br />
If otherwise then there is no way using JavaScript to find this out.<br />
You can use a routine like this <br />
<br />
if (windowName.closed){<br />
its closed<br />
}else{<br />
its still open<br />
you should be able to get the url<br />
windowName.location.href<br />
(untested)<br />
}<br />
<br />
Hope this helps<br />
<br />
Cheers<br />
<br />
Khalid<!--content-->what u did with the code and what shoul i do so it will work!<br />
can u explaing again the code?<br />
thnaks in advance<br />
peleg<!--content-->when a new window is opened as a child, ut a new window is opened from the the IE icon<!--content-->