New Member
I want to delay the response of my website authentication request so that the server begins responding at a particular seconds offset from when the request was received.For example, if the user authenticates at \[code\]04:00:00\[/code\], I want the response to come back at \[code\]04:00:05\[/code\], not sooner nor later. If it is not possible for the code to meet the deadline, I want it to cause an error.This must be done on the server side and I would like to avoid using \[code\]Thread.Sleep\[/code\]. Though, I was thinking there may be a way to do this with an async controller and using Thread.Sleep in part of the request's continuationHas anyone here faced a similar challenge and what was your solution?Can any of you folks think of a way to do this while avoiding \[code\]Thread.Sleep\[/code\] and maintaining responsiveness?