is there a php type program<


Staff member
I am having a terrible time get a simple two line form to work. I have created different forms using php and then linking to html forms and I have gotten help from this forum, but nothing seems to work.

Is there a program that will allow me to make a form and give me all the code so I can then upload it.

I have been to many of the php site, tutortial, but no luck

Like--can I make a form in Front Page and then upload it as a php file?What you are talking about is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)editor for PHP. In short, there is no "php type program", you have to code what you want yourself.

There are however, many programs out there that help you code in PHP (helping in things like keeping your code neat and syntax highlighting so you know where you stand when you have alot of code).what doesn't work? you never said it doesn't work.

what thread are you talking about. a form is html, not php. the forms action goes to a php page.scoutt

You were very responise in trying to help in my thread "my form doesn't respond to me"..

Since nothing was working, I was looking for a program to maybe write my php page for me, since I think that is at fault.

I know and do have my html form pointing to my php page.You can't create a page in php. php isn't like html. Php adds dynamic content and things like that.I understand josh, what I am supposed to do is created some code in notepad, save as an php ext. and then upload both the php file, and the form which points to the php file.

Right?that is correct.

but you migth have to make sure you can run php on your server.scoutt

you have been very patient with me and I thank you for that. I have checked with go daddy where our site is keep, they do support PHP.

They won't help any thou.

I do want to check with the on Sun. about the email address. I have since changed the email to the owner of the site with the thought that might be the problem, I also need to check with them, maybe instead of the email address I am supposed to put in <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> or maybe <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="htt://">htt://</a><!-- m -->.

here is that code again:


//Declare the variables
$recipient = "[email protected]";
$subject = "User Feedback";
$message = "Hi there! The user me just filled in the contact form and they said hi";


?>You have the variable $subject declared twice. Try the edited code below.

//Declare the variables
$recipient = "[email protected]";
$message = "Hi there! The user me just filled in the contact form and they said hi";


I have read your posts and you seem to be having a few problems with getting th form up and running. I have created the following test form that is compatible with the above PHP code for you to play with.

<form action=contact.php method=post>
Enter the subject: <input type=text name=subject><br>
<input type=submit name=submit value=submit>

Hope this may help you.