Is the Codebehind is a must?


hi friends,
I usually devolop my sites using ASP.NET and i dont have any experience with Classic ASP. Now i have a site using only HTML pages Except for the login page which is an ASPX page. this page has some conversations with server to authenticate the user.
I like to remove the Login.aspx.cs adn write all codes in login.aspx as inline code. is it possible?.
ShinuI am not sure why you would want to use inline? Is there a reason for this? Most developers perfer to have the business logic in one location and the presentaion logic in another.

EricI imagine he wants to write it inline because he doesn't want to have to compile a DLL for one html file.

Yes, you can code it inline. Is it a problem? It depends on how you feel about the hundreds of lines of code at the top of the html file.Thanks friends. let me try it.