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Is Social Promotion Better Than SEO? Social promotion is just part of the SEO but you can't get perfect result for your site specially if your site related to any products. but It is a good start to promote your site on such sources from where you can achieve lots of visitors. I agree with VPSWebServer, you should do comprision between different techiniques of optimization. Social promotion can be used to promote your website, it'll help in SEO also if done properly but don't be mistaken to treat it as 100% or better than SEO. I firmly believe that SEO will become part of social media and social network marketing as you can see how Google the search engine giant is making the search engines personalized and behaving differently for every person depends upon his Google+ network. Well, I can be wrong but you can see the signals from the moves of Google I think we need to concentrate 50% in social media and 50% in seo. Social promotion increase your site traffic but these are all no follow links so Google not help you in this way. Google only count real SEO links. The social promotion is a better way to promote site and for generate the traffic but it is not effect the ranking of Search SEO is Very important. I think social promotion is far better. You did not find facebook at the first time from a google search. Same with you tube. I found it on a media site when I saw internet. Before that I was not aware of the site. So I think, if you do social promotion of your website, then it will be more beneficial. But unfortunately by social promotion you can't make every site so popular. isn't it? there's a really simple answer to that - NO! It's what it says - social. It may drive traffic, but not profit Social promotion gets you traffic for a short while. You may gain followers from this because new people are introduced to your content, and they may just like what they see.
SEO however makes sure your website pops up in search results. This gives you targeted traffic, people who are actually interested in the topic, since they searched for it. In addition, when your traffic comes from a search engine, it can bring in views for an infinite ammount of time, whereas social promotion is forgotton after a while, or the links/posts are deep within an archive of a constant stream of new updates. Social promotion is not better but you can say equal to SEO. But fact is that social promotion which is also known as SMO is an sub part of SEO.
Both are different so both give benefits from different ways and thus for taking full and complete benefits one need to do both i.e. SEO and SMO. Hi,
Yes, Social media is better to some extent its easy to convert it to business, but on the whole Organic SEO is important. I have tried to avoid social media in the past mainly because I am lazy and the thought of twittering everyday or going on FB filled me with dread. However I do think its unavoidable now. Yes the links are no follow but if you get traffic to your site even in small measure and they actually stay around a bit that should increase rankings post panda because Google is looking at numbers and bounce rate as part of the determing factor in rankings. Social promotion is the part of SEO which is effective on increasing instant visitor.Think it properly. I think that SEO it's much better...why ? if you want to buy something for your old car, or some new fancy laptop, where do you search first? facebook or ? Quote: Originally Posted by mariapbonner
Is Social Promotion Better Than SEO? Both of them are better, If SEO is not effective to your website you can do a campaign in Social Media Sites. Quote: Originally Posted by mariapbonner
Is Social Promotion Better Than SEO? First you need to know is that social media is one part of the SEO , known as the SMO. As SEO is all about increasing the site visibility and as it increase at traffic increased to the site. And social media be so helpful to drive more traffic to the site and also to promote the content among huge amount of people and to get the attention. And as much traffic the site get , google notice it and if found useful then your site can get better position in the results. there's a really simple answer to that - NO! It's what it says - social. It may drive traffic, but not profit.. According to me social media is best to promote the site on social network but SEO is used to promote the site in search engine and improve the site quality and ranking so both are playing important role in the promotion of the site.
SEO however makes sure your website pops up in search results. This gives you targeted traffic, people who are actually interested in the topic, since they searched for it. In addition, when your traffic comes from a search engine, it can bring in views for an infinite ammount of time, whereas social promotion is forgotton after a while, or the links/posts are deep within an archive of a constant stream of new updates. Social promotion is not better but you can say equal to SEO. But fact is that social promotion which is also known as SMO is an sub part of SEO.
Both are different so both give benefits from different ways and thus for taking full and complete benefits one need to do both i.e. SEO and SMO. Hi,
Yes, Social media is better to some extent its easy to convert it to business, but on the whole Organic SEO is important. I have tried to avoid social media in the past mainly because I am lazy and the thought of twittering everyday or going on FB filled me with dread. However I do think its unavoidable now. Yes the links are no follow but if you get traffic to your site even in small measure and they actually stay around a bit that should increase rankings post panda because Google is looking at numbers and bounce rate as part of the determing factor in rankings. Social promotion is the part of SEO which is effective on increasing instant visitor.Think it properly. I think that SEO it's much better...why ? if you want to buy something for your old car, or some new fancy laptop, where do you search first? facebook or ? Quote: Originally Posted by mariapbonner