Is possible to fire __doPostBack twice?


New Member
I'm maintaining an ASP .Net Application that seems somehow duplicate a records e.g. using a page add-user. I was unable to reproduce but I found some code that do something crazy like, on submit:\[code\]if(crazy-code()){ __doPostBack() // 2nd}\[/code\]and crazy-code also do something like\[code\]function crazy-code(){ ... __doPostBack() // 1st ... return true;}\[/code\]To find out this piece of code is causing the problem, I have been trying to fire both \[code\]__doPostBack\[/code\] but I was unable to do it. In theory, what should always happens is when it fire the (1st) \[code\]__doPostBack\[/code\], it should send the request and stop/ignore any client code afterward. if \[code\]__doPostBack\[/code\] is fired twice, what will be the reasons? the browsers? the speed? ???