Is MySQL really better than MSAccess


Staff member
I am not sure if this email is directed to the proper people or not, but in
any case it would be appreciated if a few questions could be answered.

I have been building a admin database with MS Access (MSjet) that is linked to my Intranet through ASPs that I built trough dreamweaver. I have the intent of upgrading it to MySQL or SQLServer if required. I have heard so many comments concerning MySQL and SQLServer that I have been considering converting over to it for a while.

My questions are s follows:

1. Can an MS Access database be converted to an MySQL or SQLServer database without too
much re-write? (queries, front-end code etc), also the ASPs and web code?

2. Can an MySQL or SQLServer database be hosted on a Windows NT Server, or does it have
to be Unix or lynix?

3. Can MySQL or SQLServer work as a desktop application under a Windows environment,
for development purposes? And for actual running?

5. What is the "wall" when it comes to the performance of Access and that of
MySQL or SQLServer and which one is better

6. We are running NT(IIS) at the moment to do our ASPs with, if we go to MySQL or SQLServer
do we have to go to PHP or JSP or something

That抯 all I can think of for now. Any input would be much appreciated.

Norvan Vogt
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