I've been tasked with this project and before I start any coding or even drawing anything on paper, I want to be sure that MySQL/PHP is the best way to go. Here's what I've got:Myself and another student will be making a database of articles and 'tagging' them with design terms. So, for example, an article regarding power consumption issues in a hotel could be tagged with 'power conservancy' or something to that effect.Also, the database will be searchable, both by tag and by article description or title/author.So, what I'm thinking is this - The front-end consists of a basic form where the user selects to either search by Tag(s), Article description (where the search would be compared against the article description, not the actual article text which may be a scanned image), or the title/author combination.When the search is performed a simple list is displayed with the results from the query.The database itself would consist of 1 table with the following rows:ID, TAGS, AUTHOR, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARTICLEWhere ID is an auto incrementing INTTAGS, AUTHOR, TITLE, and DESCRIPTION will all be VARCHARsand ARTICLE will be a BLOB (because it will be a PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .TXT, or .RTFThe search results will, when clicked, change to the full view of the article, which will display the article along with the associated information.Does that sound like the best way to go?Any input is much appreciated as this is only my 2nd deployed MySQL/PHP app.