Is my website being Attacked?


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm not new to Warrior forum but it's a new account (just starting a new life, lol). I don't want to sound over-dramatic (and I don't feel so yet) but I want to forestall the (possibly evil) events.Interestingly, same pattern in visitors behavior appeared on two of my related websites (related topic), so that probably cannot be a coincidence.Here's the case: I noticed a quick change in my site's visitor stats. Change appeared 3 days ago and continues. Info from google analytics:Increased visits (but not visitors); Increased bounce rate by 20%; decreased avg. time on site by 50%; pages/visit dropped. Thankfully it didn't hurt sales yet.- I didn't do any changes on my websites.Google webmasters doesn't show these backlinks, but I found in hostgator cpanel some strange looking domains (subdomains actually) from russia .ru that are linking to my sites (backlinks are not actually there). Most of them look like ***, ***, *** I don't know if they're somehow related because I don't know since when they're there.Possible explanations in my opinion:someone wants to hurt my visitor stats and possibly hurt SE rankings; someone is getting ready or already attacking my website somehow (I've got antiflood system installed); I never encountered such behavior.What do you think? What kind of sign is this?What can you suggest? Russia is one of the countries that I considering banning entirely from accessing my sites. I haven't done it yet. There's another one on my "list" too! Quote: Quote: Another interesting thing I just noticed is that this started happening at the day that I launched an adwords campaign (but campaign targets another website on different server, though on the same analytics account). Can this be somehow related?Also CPanel doesn't show outstanding visitors change as analytics do.That's frustrating... What type of site are you running? Wordpress blog? Joomla? If so, try installing a security plugin and always make sure that you are running the most up to date version of the software because security is the most important thing. I may be wrong here... but I think the referrer stats you see in Cpanel are your typical awstats referrer spam and is something you shouldn't be worried about. The analytics data may just be a one off. Thats my theory. Occam's Razor! Ref spam indeed. Nothing to worry about thats bad,,,our website is getting attacked.......all blog should be installed with security to instal that... where to find it? I suffered the same experience. and I am sorry to tell you that your web is indeed attacked. Yes, I was thinking about referrer spam too, found some information about it on the net. Thank you guys. However, if anyone else got different ideas please share. Thank you in advance Sorry to hear this news bruce...Your post just made me put security on my site Hope all gets better! Marc7 Quote: