I have a blog under a subdomain of my site. By posting entries myself with links to my my site, is that considered spamming my owm blog? Will google see those links? Do they carry any weight?Yes, yes, and yes.Thanks for the response Atno. So just so I understand you correctly:google see's the links, and gives them some weight and it IS considered spamming? So basically could I get banned for doing this? Is it spamming because I'm the one posting the entries?You wont get banned for it. but if google thinks the only purpose for the blog is to link to other sites they wont rank the blog well and the links wont carry much weight, If any. A blog isn't identifiable as a blog to google though. Google doesn't care if we call it a site, a portal, a blog or a forum, Google only sees pages and the words on the pages.I'm sorry but i have never heard of a site getting banned except some illegal content. I have heard of not getting indexed