What is you perception with this one?
searchenginejournal(dot)com/is-long-tail-seo-really-seo/27906/ Of course it is, does a wall cease to be a wall because it's only 10 feet long and 3 ft high?
OK it's quicker and easier to build than one which is 6 ft high and 100ft long, but it's still a wall and takes the same skills to build, just less of them over a shorter time frame. This is part of a strategy for SEO. Even by writing lots of content, it will not position themselves all alone in the search results. The challenge is to get to be first on the long tail queries. Long tails are useful from the time Google giving keyword suggestions on your search terms. Indeed long tail keywords are considered as SEO because they highlight and emphasize a specific keyword. Through that you would be able to get valuable traffic through different keyword phrase that a person types on the search engine. It's good to play around with keywords so that you won't look as spam.
searchenginejournal(dot)com/is-long-tail-seo-really-seo/27906/ Of course it is, does a wall cease to be a wall because it's only 10 feet long and 3 ft high?
OK it's quicker and easier to build than one which is 6 ft high and 100ft long, but it's still a wall and takes the same skills to build, just less of them over a shorter time frame. This is part of a strategy for SEO. Even by writing lots of content, it will not position themselves all alone in the search results. The challenge is to get to be first on the long tail queries. Long tails are useful from the time Google giving keyword suggestions on your search terms. Indeed long tail keywords are considered as SEO because they highlight and emphasize a specific keyword. Through that you would be able to get valuable traffic through different keyword phrase that a person types on the search engine. It's good to play around with keywords so that you won't look as spam.