Is it useful to have tag cloud ?


New Member
Hi I have seen many websites with tag cloud... Now also this technique is popular in SEO point of view?... Can we have or will it be worthy to have tag cloud on our website?????

Your immediate response is appreciated

Thanks I used to do this with my blogs a few years ago, but not anymore. Tag clouds were really popular when they first came out, it's a way of entertaining your visitors (unlike the traditional "category" list) and for adding more keywords in your content.

I removed my tag clouds because:
- some tags are being repeated
- unpopular tags are way too small and almost hidden behind the bigger ones
- and some visitors actually commented that they are "confusing" and actually prefer the traditional one where they can read all categories with ease.

It's up to you if you still want to use tag clouds or not. Try and test it, that's SEO anyway... trial-and-error

Here are 2 articles I hope could help you in some way regarding tag clouds: Tag cloud is used for attracting visitor, lots of website use this technique. I also use tag cloud in my website just attract mistake and make some fun. Tag cloud is good for website as the SEO point of view its really good to get good ranking of keywords. Search engines also give importance to it. Some time it’s effective and call the visitor to my site so it’s ok with me Quote: Originally Posted by jhoanna
I agree with jhoanna all reasons he said for not to use Tag Clouds.
I personally do not like it.
I would insist you to atch this Matt Cutts video... In this he is talking about tag clouds and their effect on SEO, Tag Clouds are great features for your users. Tag cloud can help you to get traffic by different keyword search for your niche type. Tag Cloud is just a convenient way for your blog readers to find what they want to read.