Is it really worth it writing 10 Ezine articles to get 10 backlinks from the same IP?

What is the sense of writing 10 or more articles to get several backlinks from the very same site? Is it for the sake of having almost entire-website backlink? Explanation and tips would be seriously appreciated
If writing these articles take a lot of time for you , you can write less than 10 articles. Also i suggest to submit each article to about 4 article directories an for making them more search engine friendly, you can change the content of each of the a little to seem unique for search engines. But if its difficult for you to write article,s you can write them and publish them to your website and then create backlinks for the articles on your website using bookmarking, hub pages or like these methods. In this case some unique articles will be added to your website and also you get some ore backlinks for your website. If you are writing the articles for backlinks then you are approaching this wrong.

You should be writing them to show your expertise on the subject.

Like highseo said, if it's too much, write for your own site. If it's good content then you will earn natural backlinks. Submit them to Ezine Articles and wait for them to get accepted. Once they're accepted there, you can submit them to a lot of the other directories as well.

Make sure you submit quality articles and you'll find that one article can create a lot more than one backlink. People will pick your article up and use it on their sites if it's good enough. It isn't uncommon to see 20+ backlinks from one article if you write good content
on popular topics. You know this is a very good question and the only people who know the exact answer is google engineers. Now what I have seen is posts ranking well in Google from internal linking. Not only were the links from the main domain, but not even an external domain. Personally the reason I think that article marketing is good for backlinks is because webmasters and bloggers will come take your article and publish on their website with the backlinks