is it possible to transfer table data from one table to another?


New Member
is it possible to copy data from a table to another table?.here is my example. i have two tables, warehouse and showroommy warehouse table has (product_id and stock_quantity) and my showroom table has (product_id(fk from warehouse), stock_transferred )..for example in warehouse table\[code\]product_id stock_quantity1 102 20\[/code\]how can I transfer product_id(1)with stock_quantity(5) in showroom table and still retain the data in warehouse table?so after transferring data my warehouse table becomes these:\[code\]product_id stock_quantity1 52 20\[/code\]and my showroom table becomes these:\[code\]product_id stock_transferred1 5\[/code\]how can i do these in a php form?for example i have a text input in which the user can specify how many stocks he will transfer to showroom table.sorry I cant explain well Im not good in english.