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Title says it all, I need to store the following code in an asp session object or viewstate.\[code\]For i As Integer = 0 To lstItems.Items.Count - 1 txtcart.Text &= lstItems.Items.Item(i).ToString() & "" Next\[/code\]Seemingly a little more context is required here, i apologise, i thought it was a really simple question and i was being an idiot.I have this code on a content page on my ASP.Net site. I need to access it from my masterpage so i can print it to a textbox on the masterpage.I hope that gives some clarification.The control txtCart.text is on the masterpage.For more clarification lstitems is not a drop down list.It is an empty invisible list i am using to store items in which i then call to a textbox as listboxes don't provide text wrapping.