is it possible to change cursor using...


i want to change the cursor when i am rollingOver a link, but i dont want to use css, instead i want to use javascript! does anybody know a solution?<br />
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many thanks,<br />
daniel<!--content-->Why? Why would you want to use javascript? There's no reason for it! All it is is a simple:<br />
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<a href="" style="cursor: crosshair;">A Link</a><br />
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So simple. List of Cursors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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That's all you need. That's the best way of doing it. Besides, if you want javascript, well, I don't know, how about posting in the Javascript forum?<!--content-->look at the following link, and the code! then you will understand why i want to use javascript! :o <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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login: daniel<br />
password: sdomingo<!--content-->No, I don't understand why. That has just confused me :confused: Heh, I don't speak german x.x But there is a lot of unneccesary code there. And whats with the whole visibility hidden deal? Whatever happened to pages? It's almost as bad as frames!<!--content-->offer me another way of doing the whole thing!!<br />
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Since I used to use frames, but someone else told me to use CSS and that doesnt seem to be right either... :o <br />
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all i want is to be able to have buttons, like they are displayed, and be able to open the content without opening a completely new window!? :o <br />
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could you please give me some advise!!<br />
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thanks,<br />
daniel<!--content-->Now I'm confused.<br />
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An <A> that is not given a target will open in the same window... The use of JS is a common way to get anchors to open in a new window. And wanting cursors to change on hover, easiest and best done with CSS; but you want to use JS; why?? The link you provided did nothing but confuse.<br />
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It almost sounds like you want a "Web Appication"... You'd need to code in a server side language for that. BTW, JS is client side.<!--content-->