Is paid link can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results? I have never heard of seen that happen so my answer would be no.
But it won't give you a boost either.
check this article: Yes it very well could. If traceable back to a dollar amount Google could very well penalize your website in the search results. usually not, how google trace them i dont have idea. but so far people are doing it safely I have read other forum posts that say it will hurt......There are a lot of methods to get links and not gamble.... I guess that will teach me to read more carefully the OP's post.
I thought that you were talking about AdWord. Google Adword campaigns for example, will not hurt your search rankings.
Paying sites to get a link there could, because in Google's eye, you are trying to flaw the rankings.
Although I don't buy links myself, I really don't believe it should be frown upon. It's like buying into a marketing campaign, buying a poster space in a bus for example. yeah... i have heard so.. not good in google eyes.... yes it can sometime. As long as it is marked nofollow it is just ignored by google. Herei s what google has to say about it: Be more specific please, helpers cannot read your thoughts
Generally no, IMO. Why should a properly placed ad have any negative impact on your search ranking? paid link is not good in google.
you can exchange with others...although is slow,but safety. I do not use paid link. Quote: Originally Posted by ankushsinghal
Is paid link can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results? Yep.. its true. google will penalize your site.
But it won't give you a boost either.
check this article: Yes it very well could. If traceable back to a dollar amount Google could very well penalize your website in the search results. usually not, how google trace them i dont have idea. but so far people are doing it safely I have read other forum posts that say it will hurt......There are a lot of methods to get links and not gamble.... I guess that will teach me to read more carefully the OP's post.
I thought that you were talking about AdWord. Google Adword campaigns for example, will not hurt your search rankings.
Paying sites to get a link there could, because in Google's eye, you are trying to flaw the rankings.
Although I don't buy links myself, I really don't believe it should be frown upon. It's like buying into a marketing campaign, buying a poster space in a bus for example. yeah... i have heard so.. not good in google eyes.... yes it can sometime. As long as it is marked nofollow it is just ignored by google. Herei s what google has to say about it: Be more specific please, helpers cannot read your thoughts
Generally no, IMO. Why should a properly placed ad have any negative impact on your search ranking? paid link is not good in google.
you can exchange with others...although is slow,but safety. I do not use paid link. Quote: Originally Posted by ankushsinghal