Is it only me? or is Google not accurate anymore


New Member
I want to know.I am getting really lousy results when I search with google.Is it only me?We have jumped to the 1500backlink from 120 which assumed to bring a pr8 because we gained very quality backlinks ..But we were having at least 100Google unique with 120+ backlink and now 2-3Google referer daily with 1500 backlink.But this is probably due all of our removed pages reindexed by Google as our mainpage because of a wrong 301 redirect and Google maybe banned our mainpage from keyword rankings due to dublicated content... But not sure from this and waiting a reply from Google Official Supporters for this situation which cut our business ,If your ranking are dramatically down then look at your indexed page at Google if you have something like that too.Its not only you, I get bad results as well. Much like when altavista went in the trashcan ages ago.Well today google updated my backlinks from 7 to 99, does everyone getting the same response from google or is it just shakeup of GoogleKashyapYes There are some interesting changes on Google today... Ie. some datacenters start to show old BL I'm not just talking about my web site.Over all... I don't find google that good, it's not like 2-5 years ago.I find myself using more and more Yahoo & MSN lately.Tim Otool wrote:Here is a possible theory:Google is starting NOT to work, because of webmasters who submit erronous data, pages and keywords just to gain more traffic.3 years ago, the content on people's pages were related to the words on that page. Now searches for "buy shoes online" or "c++ algorithms" end up going to sites featuring Brittney Spears, iPod and porn.Thoughts?Have to agree on that. The porn and network-marketing industries have abused the use keywords and nothing to do with contentEven msn is good in crawling fast bit it takes good banwidthQuote:rtchar wrote:Snap!Quote:I see major changes in Google and my thoughts are not to PANIC. Sooner of later Google is gonna figure out that they're on the wrong path and revert back to where they were when it was working for them.Kinda like when your computer goes haywire and you reset your computer to the last configuration that was working .The thing I notice is webmasters are pannicing and trying to adjust as fast as Google is changing. To me those websites are gonna be out in left field when Google goes back to where it was one or two months ago. To me it's like the stock market, Work at it for the long term rather than the short term "speculation"Of course the other side of this coin is if Google does not get back to where it was, I am working on placing high on search engines that might fill the #1 spot next. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.