Is it ok? is this correct?<title>My title</title><meta name="description" content=" "><meta name="keywords" content=""><meta name="Revisit-After" content="15 Days"><meta name="Robots" content="all"><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">Why are you stopping Google bot by limiting a spider to every 15 days? I have dozens of visits a day and would delete that tag unless it is using up too much bandwidth! I would only bother with keywords tag unless it is generated automatically.Make sureyou have correct mark up including h1, p, h2, acronym, i and strong tags where needed in your copy.Johan007 wrote:<strong> is the proper tag telling visual and blind users (and there for Search Engines) that the text is important or empathised. Where <b> is purely visual and should not be included in modern XHTML and should be placed in a <span> tag and use CSS. Therefore Search engines "should" not use <b> for ranking.Make your site accessible and follow the latest mark-up standards and your half way there for SEO. (Use Abbreviation, Acronym tags etc. Section 508 is a good one and it is a legal requirement under US Law. UK peeps need to follow DDA. European sites have a recommendation of WAI Single A standard.Then make clean vaild documents be it HTML 4.01 Transitional or any of the XHTML Strict.SEO will be changing