Hi everyone,
Sorry if this is the wrong spot....but I could not find what I was looking for anywear else. well here is my question to all of you.
I run a fan based web site, I need to cut my work down, I was wondering if db is what I need or is it something else?
What I want to do:
Is make it so new members can add their name and info to the web site.
Also so members can update their own info
Thanks for any help
Sorry if this is the wrong spot....but I could not find what I was looking for anywear else. well here is my question to all of you.
I run a fan based web site, I need to cut my work down, I was wondering if db is what I need or is it something else?
What I want to do:
Is make it so new members can add their name and info to the web site.
Also so members can update their own info
Thanks for any help