i am trying to create a function that will return true if a date is between two set dates and a false if it is not.
for example: (dd/mm/yyyy)
date 1: 02/03/2004
date 2: 05/06/2004
date we want to check: 01/04/2004
function: returns true
unfortuatly i have had a mantal block on how to create one for a couple of days now and could not find any example on the web.
please could any one help
kennyThis isn't really a PHP5 question, but anyway, here's an example
function isDateBetween($dt_start, $dt_check, $dt_end){
if(strtotime($dt_check) > strtotime($dt_start) && strtotime($dt_check) < strtotime($dt_end)) {
return true;
return false;
isDateBetween("2004-01-01", "2004-01-02", "2004-01-03")
and doStuffHooray();Top notch!
Thank you VERY much!
This isn't really a PHP5 question
Sorry! i must be more observant in the future !
i am trying to create a function that will return true if a date is between two set dates and a false if it is not.
for example: (dd/mm/yyyy)
date 1: 02/03/2004
date 2: 05/06/2004
date we want to check: 01/04/2004
function: returns true
unfortuatly i have had a mantal block on how to create one for a couple of days now and could not find any example on the web.
please could any one help
kennyThis isn't really a PHP5 question, but anyway, here's an example
function isDateBetween($dt_start, $dt_check, $dt_end){
if(strtotime($dt_check) > strtotime($dt_start) && strtotime($dt_check) < strtotime($dt_end)) {
return true;
return false;
isDateBetween("2004-01-01", "2004-01-02", "2004-01-03")
and doStuffHooray();Top notch!
Thank you VERY much!
This isn't really a PHP5 question
Sorry! i must be more observant in the future !