Is Classic ASP a lot like PHP and some questions about MVC?


New Member
I don't mean to be controversial. Close if you see fit. But I've got to choose the best way to update my Intranet that's in Classic ASP. I've looked at umpteen framework, still looking and learning, but undecided. I know that PHP is still being updated and is a fine language, but I was thinking. If I wanted a framework couldn't I create and MVC framework with Classic ASP? I'm sure I probably could but that's not the point. I thought...I could do this or I could create pages with PHP with no framework and where would I be? Right back with the same predicament with Classic ASP, only a different language. This makes me think that PHP could be "dangerous" in my enviornment where everyone may not understand or "believe" in MVC. PHP would lend itself to the cowboy coding and mixing of layers quite easily. After all it's pretty easy to fire up notepad and just code without having to worry about layers and layers of "stuff."My question: Is this true of all the platforms and languages? Are there any that are designed in such away that it would be pretty hard to fall back into the evil ways? The only thing I can see is one, ASP.NET MVC. It'd be pretty hard to start in that and end up not using it. Java EE 6. I don't know. I know Java has been pretty MVCish from long ago.Thank you for any thoughts. I don't need to be lectured on MVC goodness. That's not my point. I just had an observation and wanted thoughts on how to keep my project MVC.