Is any Language better than PHP for Web Development? [closed]


New Member
PHP has Thousands of Functions related to Web Development baked right in from Simple Ones like \[code\]filter_var()\[/code\] , \[code\]htmlentities()\[/code\] to \[code\]json_encode()\[/code\] \[code\]similar_text()\[/code\] and \[code\]levenshtein()\[/code\] distance for Percentage matching. There are so many \[code\]array()\[/code\] and \[code\]string()\[/code\] functions that it is really mind-blowing !Now comes complete OOP support in PHP5 and Native Unicode in PHP6. Because try writing for example a Cookie in Java or a Servlet and you know what I am talking about. For String and Array handling most probably I am inventing some for-loop Algorithm in Java when in PHP I always find some ready-made function. Recent examples for me have been \[code\]array_count_values()\[/code\] [Nothing similar in Java for finding aggregate of a Cart] and \[code\]array_chunk()\[/code\] [ Try wrestling with Java Tokenizers here] . \[code\]similar_text()\[/code\] Function in PHP is itself a beauty when you need to find How much 2 Strings matcheach other percentage-wise.Does any other Web Development Language has such Vastness and Sheer Expanse as PHP ?