Is a connection class in classic ASP overkill?


New Member
I am stuck with some classic asp files at the moment, but I'd like to consolidate some of the code. I found this and wanted to get an opinion. Is this overkill? Would a robust connection class be useful? I was going to try to create as best I could a separation of concerns, and I'm working on the model. Since I cannot inherit by extends (that I can find), I thought I'd just include this class in each model file:\[code\]Class clsDatabaseConnections Private strConnection '## Connection string (change depending on what system we are using) Private objConn '## Connection object Private objComm '## Command Object Private objRS '## Recordset object Private Sub Class_Initialize() '## What happens when the class is opened strConnection = "DRIVER={SQL Server}; ..........." Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.ConnectionString = strConnection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() '## What happens when the class is closed '## Close connections If objConn.State <> 0 Then objConn.Close End If Set objConn = Nothing End Sub Public Sub SQLExecuteFromSQLString(ByRef strSQL) '## Execute code and return nothing If objConn.State <> 0 Then objConn.Close End If objConn.Execute strSQL End Sub '## This replicates the .NET ExecuteScalar Public Function ExecuteScalarFromSQLString(ByRef sSQL) '## This is used when passing back single results. Replicating a .NET piece of functionality Dim objScalar Set objScalar = GetRecordSet(sSQL) If Not objScalar.EOF Then ExecuteScalar = objScalar(0) Else '## Nothing returned ExecuteScalar = -1 End If CloseRecordSet() End Function 'ExecuteScalar Public Function GetRecordSetFromSQLString(ByRef strRS) If objConn.State <> 1 Then objConn.Open End If Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRS.Open strRS, objConn Set GetRecordSet = objRS End Function '## Using SP code within class '########################################################################## Public Sub CallSPNeedParams(ByRef strStoredProc) If objConn.State <> 1 Then objConn.Open End If If Not IsObject(objComm) Then Set objComm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") '## This will be used for Stored Procedures End If With objComm .ActiveConnection = objConn .CommandText = strStoredProc .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc End With If Not IsObject(objRS) Then Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") End If Set objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn '## Set connection Set objRS.Source = objComm ;'' Set source to use command object End Sub Public Sub ApendParamsToRecordSet(ByRef Name, ByRef TypeParam, ByRef Direction, ByRef Size, ByRef Value) 'Type adDate adDBDate, adVarChar, adChar, adBoolean If IsObject(objComm) Then objComm.Parameters.Append objComm.CreateParameter(Name, TypeParam, Direction, Size, Value) End If End Sub Public Function GetRecordSetSPParams(ByRef strStoredProc) If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then '## This is being called for the right SP objRS.Open Set GetRecordSetSPParams = objRS '## Need to clear out params from Command object Do While (objComm.Parameters.Count > 0) objComm.Parameters.Delete 0 Loop End If End Function Public Sub CloseCommObject() If IsObject(objComm) Then Set objComm = Nothing End If End Sub '########################################################################## Public Function ExecuteScalarSetSPParams(ByRef strStoredProc) '## This is used when passing back single results. Replicating a .NET piece of functionality If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then objRS.Open If Not objRS.EOF Then ExecuteScalar = objRS(0) Else '## Nothing returned ExecuteScalar = -1 End If CloseRecordSet() End If End Function 'ExecuteScalar Public Sub ExecuteSPButNoRecordsReturned(ByRef strStoredProc) If strStoredProc = objComm.CommandText Then objComm.Execute End If End Sub 'ExecuteSPButNoRecordsReturned() Public Sub CloseRecordSet() If objRS.State <> 0 Then objRS.Close End If Set objRS = Nothing End Sub Public Property Get ObjectConn() ObjectConn = objConn End Property Public Property Let SwitchConnection(ByRef strConn) '## Will allow user to change the connection from the default set up strConnection = strConn Call SwitchConnection(strConnection) End Property Private Sub SwitchConnection(ByRef strConn) '## Will allow user to change the connection from the default set up strConnection = strConn If objConn.State <> adStateClosed Then objConn.ConnectionString = strConnection End If End SubEnd Class 'clsDatabaseConnections\[/code\]