Is 256 colors still a standard?


For color background, (no image files) is it still a standard to stick to the 256 color palette? There is a color I like #E4E4E4 that's not within the standard palette; what are the chances the viewer is not going to see that color if I used it? Thanks.<br />
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James<!--content-->Hi!<br />
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Have a look at these quite "fresh" statistics: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Regards - Pit<!--content-->Here is the idea behind the 256 color pallet. <br />
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The 256 colors represent the pallet that the PC as well as the MAC share. If you step outside the 256 color pallet there is a good possibility that it will not be rendered the way it was intended to be seen.<br />
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Hope that helps.<!--content-->It says 256 colors 1%.<br />
What is 1%?<!--content-->Yes I understand that<br />
"there is a good possibility that it will not be rendered the way it was intended to be seen"<br />
But people were saying that 5 years ago too and I was figuring out that that has been changing.<br />
When are they (whoever) going to change that limitation?<!--content-->Hi!<br />
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The total in May was 236871498 visitors. 1% is 1% of these (rounded).<br />
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And 1% is not really much.<br />
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Cheers - Pit<br />
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Just saw your latest post. It is the hardware industry which developped graphics adapters with a higher color depth "quite long ago". Nowadays, as you can see in the stats, the vast majority of users are using a higher depth.<!--content-->This was quite the informative post. Ya learn something new everyday :)<!--content-->I think Peofeo has got a link in his sig thats got an article about the end of web safe colours dont know if it relates to this or not.<!--content-->I read that article. But that was about how there are even less web safe colors. I think it said that there were only something like 32 or something along those lines...<!--content-->You can go into your display settings (on a PC) and set your color settings to 256 colors. This is how your site/graphics will appear for that 1%, is it not? Only my Windows 3.1 runs on anything equal to or lower than 256 colors.<!--content-->2,368,715 isn't much?<!--content-->You're going to drive yourself insane that way. Do you check to see how your site looks in Netscape 3 or 4?<!--content-->I guess I do drive myself insane, lol.<br />
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I check my sites in many browsers, accross several platforms. I check IE, NS, FF, Safari, IE for MAC, Konqueror, Opera, Avant, Amaya, and sometimes browsers for the Palm OS and Pocket PC. It can be quite the headache, but I am quite Obsessive about my work. lol :)<!--content-->Don't get me wrong, I check for IE, FF, Opera, Safari, and IE for Mac, and lynx. But anyone running Netscape 1 or 2 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) doesn't deserve to visit my site :p lol.<!--content-->