Ipb Question


If a post is posted to one topic can it be moved to another topic??<br /><br />If so how?<br /><br />Thanks for the help<br /><br />Lee<!--content-->
My guess is Yes, but I'm not going to load a vulnerable version of exploited software to test it out.<br /><br />Generally you can only do so when logged in as a moderator. <br /><br />However, you REALLY should consider switching to an updated, supported version of a forum software. There are many good ones out there than will import your IPB users/posts practically seamlessly. <br /><br />Continuing to use IPB 1.2 is really not a good idea.<!--content-->
I'll agree with Paul here. If you don't want to pay for a licence for IPB (or vB for that matter), there's always phpBB or SMF (personally I recommend SMF but that's a matter of preference)<!--content-->
Let's see if I understand the question.<br /><br />You have a post in one thread that you want to move to another thread. If so, yes you can do it if it's the same as version 2+<br /><br />Log in as a moderator, find the post in question, there should be a check box to the upper right of the post, check it. At the bottom right of the thread there should be a drop down box and to the right of that is a button that should say "With Selected (1)". Select Merge Post in the drop down and click the "With Selected (1)" button.<br /><br />Enter the link to the thread you want to merge the post into.<br /><br />If that wasn't what you meant then please rephrase the question. If it is what you meant and you don't have that feature I don't know how to do it.<!--content-->
Thanks Bruce<br /><br />I don't have that feature so I guess I'm SOL. I really need to upgrade to SMF but have been putting it off, now that it is self install with fantastico I should do it.<br /><br />Thanks again.<br /><br />Lee<!--content-->
There are <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/download/?converters" target="_blank">converters</a> for <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank">SMF</a><!--content-->
There's quite a few happy SMF users here (myself, I have 3 boards). So if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Also, the SMF forums on their website are helpful as well.<!--content-->
SMF is an excellant forum, just as long as you convert to any, it doesnt matter, long as your not using an unsecure forum which you are at present<br /><br />JimE<!--content-->