IP-adress, writing, reading


Staff member
I'm making a home page, on which my students can solve problems. Of course I can keep score using cookies, but that way only the students themselves can access that information.

I thought of the following:
When they visit my site for the first time, they register on a form (name, class, e-mail)
I give them an ID-number cookie or (even better) read their IP-address.
This IP-addres or ID is then written to a file together with their name, class, e-mail AND achievements. The next time they log on, they are recognized via their ID-number cookie or IP-address. All problems that they already solved will not appear then.

Moreover, I myself can see the progress, and I can see which students are using my home page at all.

I cannot find a way to do this in JavaScript, but is it possible? And if not, what should I use then? (Hopefully I do not need to learn another language as well)

I know that if I didn't need to follow the progres myself, I could do it with cookies. But I DO need to follow the progress.
Of course this can be done, the question is: How?

Please reply if you can help me any further. I'm stuck.