ip address in form


Staff member
Why doesnt this form work?<br />
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<FORM name="FO" action="" method="post"><br />
    <P><br />
    <LABEL for="id">ID: </LABEL><br />
              <INPUT type="text" name="id"><BR><br />
    <LABEL for="password">Password: </LABEL><br />
              <INPUT type="text" name="password"><BR><br />
    <INPUT type="text" name="IPaddress" value="<!--CODE: $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} -->"><br />
    <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset"><br />
    </P><br />
 </FORM>CODE] <br />
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It just shows "<!--CODE: $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} -->"  in the form input box. I want the IP address shown there. Can someone help me?<br />
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thanks in advance<br />
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greets,<br />
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prinski<!--content-->can someone tell me how i can access my ip adres with javascript code or so? <br />
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what i need is that a client surfs to a website. There is some client side scripting (javascript e.g.) which fetches the ip address (locally) and sends it via a form to a CGI.<br />
The CGI i have already. can someone give me information about how to fetch the ip address in javascript?<br />
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thanks alot.<br />
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prinski<!--content-->Your best bet would be to get the IP from the request with the form is submitted -- no client stuff required.<!--content-->yes,<br />
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but i really want to have the local ip address. with that solution you might have an ip of some nat server in between.<!--content-->You might want to check out this page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webdevfaqs.com/php.php#getip">http://www.webdevfaqs.com/php.php#getip</a><!-- m -->). If you can't use SSI, PHP, ASP, or any other server-side technology, then you're out of luck, AFAIK.<!--content-->thats not what im looking for (it will give ip address of the nat server in between if nat is used).<br />
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perhaps i did not explain enough.<br />
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What i want is to put the ip address é—Š