Invision Power Board- Picture Question


<img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blush:" border="0" alt="blush.gif" /> Okay is there anyway to upload pictures into a post from your computer. What I mean is not uploading them to image hosting site (i.e. photobucket)and then adding the url. <br /><br />We want to be able to upload them from our computer. I am not having any luck figuring it out. Any help would be great!!!<br /><br />Similiar to what yall have here---WHERE CAN I GET IT!!!!!! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":eek:" border="0" alt="eek.gif" /> <br /><br />Thanks<br />Brooke<!--content-->
I assume you mean avatars, the kind of pics that are under our names?<br />If so, if you mean how to upload your own personal avatar here in the TCH forum, do this:<br />Click "My controls" at the top of this page.<br />To the left you should see "Edit Avatar Settings" in "Personal Profile", please click it.<br />Then you just need to follow the instructions.<br /><br />Or<br /><br />If you mean how to upload avatars to your own forum for your members to choose from. This I am not sure about since I currently have no IPB installed on my account, but there should be an option for it in the admin section.<!--content-->
Thanks!<br /><br />Actually I mean if someone types up their post and wants to add a picture into their post. From that section!<!--content-->
When you are typing your post,<br />look above for the IMG link, which will prompt you for the link to the image url<br /><br />or in your forum admin you can allow attachments<br />and below where you type <br />there is a place to browse for the attachment (image) on your computer.<!--content-->
Not sure which version of IPB you are asking about but if it's the one in cPanel do the following.<br /><br />Go into the admin control panel.<br />Select Security & Privacy under under System Settings.<br />Find Allow images to be posted and set it to "yes".<br />Now go to the Topic, Posts & Polls section.<br />Under Posts & Posting set your size limits and file extenstions you will allow. <br />Set Show images in posts to "yes".<br />And if you want to show thumbnails make sure it is selected.<!--content-->
Check list for allowing forum uploads for IPB,<br />if you have trouble uploading users avatars or posting images:<br /><br />in your admin CP, check:<br /><br />Board settings > Security and Privacy > Allow images to be posted? <!--coloro:red--><span style="color:red"><!--/coloro-->YES<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /><br /><br />forum control, edit permissions for <b>each forum</b>, <!--coloro:red--><span style="color:red"><!--/coloro-->allow upload checked.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /><br /><br />users and groups > manage user groups > <br /> edit group, Max upload file size (in KB)= <!--coloro:red--><span style="color:red"><!--/coloro-->reasonable size<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /> (disable this groups upload by entering 0 into this field. <br /> This will turn off the multi-part form the uploads use. )<br /> (default is 0,<!--coloro:red--><span style="color:red"><!--/coloro--> I use 100 <!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->)<br /><br /><br />users and groups > manage user groups ><br /> edit forum access, <!--coloro:red--><span style="color:red"><!--/coloro-->allow upload for each forum<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->.<!--content-->